Turmeric Basil Hard Boiled Eggs (Keto, Paleo)

Turmeric Basil Hard Boiled Eggs (Keto, Paleo)

5 steps to perfect hard boiled eggs

1. Place eggs in a pot and cover with cool water by an inch.
2. Bring water to a boil over high heat.
3. Once water begins to boil, remove pot from burner and allow eggs to cook in the pot of hot water for 8-10 minutes.
4. Drain water and immediately run cold water over eggs until cooled.
5. Peel and enjoy in your favourite recipe or on its own.

Make your hard boiled eggs mouth popping good by adding your favourite spices, oil and sea salt. Give my Turmeric Basil Hard Boiled Eggs a try!

Serve these eggs alongside sliced tomato and avocado for breakfast OR add them to a salad for a healthy lunch

Love eggs?  Check out more awesome egg recipes:

Turmeric Basil Hard Boiled Eggs

INGREDIENTS: (serves 1)
2 hard boiled eggs
1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
1/2 tsp dried basil
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
Sea salt and black pepper to taste


1. Cut eggs in half lengthwise.

2. Drizzle olive oil over eggs then add spices and sea salt on top.

healthy hard boiled eggs