5 Gut Healing Smoothie Ingredients

5 Gut Healing Smoothie Ingredients

In this article, you’ll find a list of gut healing smoothie ingredients that you can easily add to any smoothie recipe.

Do you feel like your gut could use a little extra support?

Maybe you’re experiencing symptoms like excess gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, stomach pain or other issues that could be related to your gut?

Gut friendly smoothies are a top priority for me because I truly believe that all health begins in the gut — and by healing and supporting our gut, we can optimize our health and prevent & reverse illnesses.

I come from a long history of IBS, so I’m always experimenting with different ways to support my gut. I’ve discovered that adding certain ingredients into my smoothie is not only an effective way to promote gut health, but it’s super easy too!

Below, you’ll find a list of my top gut healing foods & supplements that you can easily add to any smoothie recipe including the ones found in my Smoothies for IBS & Weight Loss E-Book.

The best part is, these foods & supplements will have little impact on the flavour or texture of your smoothies. Feel free to add as many of these ingredients as you’d like — your gut will love you for it!

5 Gut Healing Smoothie Ingredients


Collagen is an essential component for healing and sealing the gut. Besides providing the building blocks for new collagen in the body, the amino acids delivered by hydrolyzed collagen support gut health.

For example, glutamate and arginine (and possibly methionine, cysteine and threonine) optimize the immune functions of the intestine. They also help to maintain the integrity, growth and function of the intestine.

The amino acids methionine, threonine, arginine, serine and proline all support intestinal mucosal healing. Glycine, has been shown to reduce inflammation.

Collagen supplementation can help a number of gastrointestinal disorders, such as leaky gut syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Whole Body Collagen is my go-to collagen powder. Add 1-2 scoop to your smoothie.

Whole Body Collagen

A unique blend of THREE collagen peptides supported by clinical research showing their efficacy for supporting collagen production, bone strength, joint & gut health, skin elasticity + more.


Glutamine is the most important and commonly used nutritional substance to repair tissues, particularly high turnover tissue such as the cells of the intestinal lining.

The surface area of your gut is lined with a type of cell known as enterocytes. L-glutamine is considered an essential amino acid because your body uses so much during times of intense physical stress. It is essential for maintaining the health and growth of enterocytes in your gut since it is the preferred fuel of these cells.

Glutamine deficiency can cause severe intestinal degradation and supplementation can enhance intestinal healing and repair.

Add 1 tsp. to your smoothie. Find a high-quality l-glutamine powder here.


Fermented foods are rich in probiotics which help restore a healthy gut microbiota and intestinal barrier.

According to Isolauri, Salminen, (from the Nutrition, Allergy, Mucosal Immunology and Intestinal Microbiota Research group), immune regulation in the gut depends on the establishment of the healthy gut bacteria.

The factors that contribute to leaky gut tend to produce inflammation and improper functioning of the mucous layer that protects the cells of the gut from damage. Medical experts suspect that probiotics’ role is to reduce these factors and therefore protect the gut.

Yogurt and kefir can provide probiotics in abundance. However, make sure you’re not struggling with histamine intolerance before increasing your intake of these foods, as fermented foods can exacerbate symptoms. I recommend a good quality unsweetened coconut kefir or yogurt.

Add 1-2 tbsp. to your smoothie. My favourite coconut kefir is from Healing Spirit Nutrition (available at Nature’s Emporium & Ambrosia in Ontario).

Note: If fermented foods do not work well for you, try a broad-spectrum, high-quality probiotic. Here is one that I recommend.


Slippery elm is a herb that contains mucilage, a substance that becomes a slick gel when mixed with water. This mucilage coats and soothes the stomach and intestines, promoting the healing of ulcers and inflamed tissue, and reducing cramping by relaxing the intestines.

Slippery elm is ideal for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diverticulitis and diarrhea.

Add 1/4 tsp. to your smoothie. Find slippery elm powder here.


Marshmallow, like slippery elm, is a herb that contains mucilage, producing a thick sticky substance that coats membranes.

Marshmallow extract also contains flavanoids, which contain anti-inflammatory properties. The flavanoids are able to reduce inflammation while the mucilage holds them in place and prevents further damage.

Marshmallow helps restore integrity of the gut lining making it beneficial for people suffering from leaky gut and other forms of inflammatory bowel diseases, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

Add 1/4 tsp. to your smoothie. Find marshmallow root powder here.

Honey Lemon Ginger Jello (AIP, Sugar Free)

Honey Lemon Ginger Jello (AIP, Sugar Free)

This Honey Lemon Ginger Jello is a great healthy snack with gut healing properties. It contains simple and powerful ingredients like gelatin, ginger, lemon & honey. Perfect for those following an AIP, paleo, keto or low-carb lifestyle!

Food and supplements have played an important role in my journey with IBS.

Over the years I have developed a solid list of ‘best foods/supplements for gut support’ that I incorporate into my diet regularly to maintain the health of my gut – and help heal it when needed – so it can function optimally.

Gelatin is on my list of ‘best foods/supplements for gut support’ and here’s why …

Gelatin can improve digestion by enhancing gastric acid secretion which is important in breaking down the food we consume. Without proper digestion, we cannot absorb all the important nutrients we get from food, which can lead to nutrient deficiency in the long term.

In addition, gelatin can help to repair the mucosal lining in the stomach which is often damaged in those suffering from IBS. A damaged gut lining can cause a long list of symptoms and inflammatory reactions.

Homemade jello is a fun and easy way to incorporate gelatin into your diet. Give this Honey Lemon Ginger Jello a try. It’s healthy jello for adults and kids!

If you’re looking for more ways to add gut supportive foods into your diet, my FREE Quick-Start Guide to Smoothies is a great place to start! I use collagen-rich protein powder in all my smoothie recipes which can help support a healthy gut. In addition, you can add a high-quality collagen powder for even more support!

Looking for more healthy Jello recipes? Try these …

Honey Lemon Ginger Jello AIP Sugar Free

What you need for Honey Lemon Ginger Jello:

Want more healthy snack recipes? You’re going to love these …

Honey Lemon Ginger Jello AIP Sugar Free

Honey Lemon Ginger Jello

This Honey Lemon Ginger Jello is a great healthy snack with gut healing properties. It contains simple and powerful ingredients like gelatin, ginger, lemon & honey. Perfect for those following an AIP, paleo, keto or low-carb lifestyle!
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes
Course: Snack/Treat
Cuisine: AIP, Keto, Low-Carb, Paleo
Servings: 6


  • 1 cup homemade ginger tea, recipe link in notes
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 4 tbsp. grass-fed gelatin
  • 3 tbsp. honey
  • 4-5 drops lemon essential oil (food-grade), or 1 tsp. lemon zest


  • Add cold ginger tea, lemon juice and gelatin into a saucepan and let gelatin "bloom" for a few minutes.
  • Turn heat to low and begin whisking ingredients (5-10 minutes) until mixture becomes thin.
  • Whisk in honey and lemon essential oil or lemon zest towards the end.
  • Pour mixture into a glass dish or into molds. Place in the fridge for 1-hour to set.
  • Remove from molds or cut into squares and enjoy!
Keyword dairy free, gelatin, gluten free, grain free, grass-fed, gut health, gut support, sugar free

Get 24% off all Young Living essential oils (including food-grade oils) here.

GI-Revive: The best supplement for healing your gut

GI-Revive: The best supplement for healing your gut

Are gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, stomach pain or heartburn a frustrating and uncomfortable part of your life?

Did you know that these symptoms can be an indication of poor gut health, including a damaged gut lining, gut inflammation and possibly leaky gut?

Here are a few offenders that can cause your gut to become damaged and inflamed:

  • High stress
  • Poor diet including cereal grains, industrial vegetable and seed oils, sugar and processed soy
  • Alcohol
  • Low-quality sleep
  • Excessive high-intensity exercise
  • Environmental toxins
  • Prescription and non-prescription medications, etc.

If you have IBS or another gut condition, I recommend that you start by improving your diet and lifestyle to better support the health of your gut.

Are you seeking 1:1 nutrition & health coaching for your IBS? Learn more about the Love Your Gut Program.

Supplements can also play a powerful role in helping to heal your gut. GI-Revive is one of the best gut repair formulas on the market. I have used this supplement for years and have shared it with my friends, family and clients. The results are amazing!

GI-Revive is a synergistic formula offering wide-ranging support for optimal gut health and function. It provides therapeutic levels of nutrients which support gut lining repair and help fight inflammation along with ingredients to promote healthy bowel function.


A synergistic formula offering wide-ranging support for optimal gut health and function

What makes GI-Revive the best supplement for healing your gut

1. L-glutamine. Glutamine is the most important and commonly used nutritional substance to repair tissues, particularly high turnover tissue such as the cells of the intestinal lining. Glutamine deficiency can cause severe intestinal degradation and supplementation can enhance intestinal healing and repair. It is essential in maintaining proper intestinal permeability and avoiding “leaky gut syndrome.” Leaky gut syndrome can result in increased toxic and allergy exposure, systemic inflammation, and autoimmune disease.

2. Aloe Vera, Slippery Elm, Marshmallow, Chamomile, Okra, Cat’s Claw and DGL. These relaxing herbs can improve intestinal function by coating and soothing the intestinal lining, promoting the healing of ulcers and inflamed tissue, and reducing cramping by relaxing the intestines. GI Revive™ contains this impressive comprehensive blend of botanicals that have a long traditional use in gastrointestinal disorders.

3. Prune Powder and Citrus Pectin. These two ingredients are included to safely aid in regularity of bowel movements without the damaging effects of commonly used herbal laxatives.

4. MSM and Quercetin. These anti-inflammatory substances can reduce the chronic inflammation which is often the reason why the intestinal lining becomes damaged and “leaky.” Quercetin can also improve tissue health through its antioxidant functions.

5. Zinc Carnosine and N-Acetyl Glucosamine. Zinc carnosine has impressive mucosal-protective and anti-ulcerative properties, including the ability to protect the intestinal lining against damage due to strong anti-inflammatory medications. N-Acetyl Glucosamine aids in the production of health supportive structures for the cells of the intestinal lining. Supplementation of these nutrients, can help support proper mucosal health and reduce intestinal permeability.

Do you have IBS? Click HERE to learn about 5 ways to treat your IBS naturally! 

How to use GI-Revive

Add 1 tablespoon to a glass of water. Stir briskly and consume immediately. Take once daily. Take on an empty stomach (ex., immediately upon waking, in-between meals or at night before bed).

Take for 3-months consecutively. Most people see results soon after starting this product. Continue to take this product for the full course to allow for optimal healing of the gut. After you have used this product for 3-months, keep track of your gut health. If you feel you need extra gut support, you can go on a maintenance supplement during this time (I recommend l-glutamine). You can always start another course of GI-Revive if needed. I recommend waiting 2-3 months between courses.

Other times GI-Revive can be helpful

1. Gut support when consuming alcohol. Alcohol can be very disruptive on the gut lining. GI-Revive can help to protect your gut from the damaging effects of alcohol and repair the gut if damage occurs. I recommend taking GI-Revive before AND after alcohol consumption to help mitigate alcohol’s negative effects. 1 tbsp. before and after.

2. Gut support when eating out. Food found in most restaurants and fast-food joints contain low-quality ingredients and inflammatory cooking oils, all of which can be extremely disruptive to the gut. I recommend preparing your own food with high-quality ingredients as often as possible. When eating out, I recommend taking GI-Revive before AND after food consumption to help mitigate the negative effects of low-quality ingredients and inflammatory oils. 1 tbsp. before and after.

3. Gut support during travel. Travel can be a big stressor on the gut, especially if flying and eating out a lot. I recommend taking GI Revive before and during travel to help mitigate the negative effects of travel on the gut.


The best supplement for healing your gut. GI-Revive provides therapeutic levels of nutrients which support gut lining repair and help fight inflammation along with ingredients to promote healthy bowel function.

SAVE on GI-Revive and get FREE shipping when you purchase The Ultimate Gut Support Kit for IBS. Learn more HERE.