What your scale isn’t telling you

What your scale isn’t telling you

In this article you’ll discover what your scale isn’t telling you about your weight and health, plus you’ll learn about better ways to track weight loss & positive shifts in your health.

Are you feeling discouraged by the number on your scale?

Have you started a new exercise program and/or diet, but despite all your efforts your weight just doesn’t seem to budge in the right direction?

What’s up with that?!

Believe it or not, no changes in your weight can still mean your moving in the right direction with your health and fat loss.

What your scale fails to tell you is how much fat, muscle, bone and water mass you have (also known as body composition). This missing piece of information is key since body composition tells us more about a healthy body than just weight alone.

Now wrap your head around this…

Muscle weighs more than fat, which means that as you become leaner, and start losing fat, your weight may not shift much and … wait for it… your weight may go up!

This is a common story for someone who starts an exercise program or changes their diet to include more nutrient-dense foods that help burn fat and build lean mass.

So, contrary to popular belief, no changes or an increase in your weight when starting new healthy habits, may in fact be great news for you.

Now let’s be honest, how many times have you stressed out about this? …

Going up 1lb then coming down 1lb, then going up 2lbs, but then coming down 2lbs. Now I’m up 3lbs, but wait I’m back down 3lbs. Oh s#!%, now it’s back up 1lb, but if you give me a moment to pee I can get it down another pound. Now I ate a bag of potato chips and I’ve gained 2lbs, so maybe I’ll skip breakfast and look, I’m back down 2lbs …

Frustrating, right? Let me explain what’s going on here.

Small changes on the scale over a short period of time are usually an indication of fluctuations in water weight NOT fat weight. For example, if you consume extra salt in your diet, your body may respond by retaining more water which will increase the number on your scale. This increase in weight has nothing to do with fat, but instead is a reflection of an increase in water weight.

So, next time the number on your scale goes up and down and all around from morning to night, PLEASE sip on some calming herbal tea and stop stepping on the scale!

Now that you have a better understanding of the downside to using weight as a tracking tool, let’s chat about markers that are more accurate for tracking healthy weight loss and positive changes in health.

5 ways to track weight loss & positive shifts in your health

1. Body measurements

Track changes in your chest, waist and hip measurements since these numbers are a better indicator of fat loss. Also, pay attention to changes in how your clothing fits. Are your jeans feeling looser and more comfortable?

2. Energy levels

Track changes in your energy levels throughout the day. Are you experiencing more energy in the morning and/or sustained energy throughout the day with fewer afternoon crashes?

3. Digestive health

Track changes in your bowel movements and GI symptoms. Do your bowel movements look and feel healthier? Are you experiencing less bloating, gas, heartburn, stomach pain, etc.?

4. Sleep

Track changes in the quality of your sleep. Are you falling asleep faster, waking up less throughout the night and/or feeling more energetic upon waking?

5. Mood

Track changes in your emotional state. Are you feeling happier, less stressed, more connected with friends and family, etc.?

If you still want to use the scale as one of your tracking tools, here’s what I suggest …

Weigh yourself once a week, in the morning before any food or water is consumed.

For women – since weight tends to fluctuate more due to our monthly cycles, I recommend weighing yourself once a month (at the same period in your cycle) to avoid getting discouraged by large weight fluctuations that can happen during the course of a monthly cycle.

If you are having ANY negative thoughts and/or feelings around weighing yourself – I highly recommend getting rid of your scale since it will not contribute to your health and may hinder it (both mentally and physically).

At the end of the day, the number on the scale is just that – a number. It can tell you a small story about changes in your overall weight when looked at over longer periods of time, but it doesn’t tell you a whole lot about your body composition and overall health.

The 5 Love Languages: The secret to lasting love

The 5 Love Languages: The secret to lasting love

We are all unique in how we give and receive love. The 5 love languages can help you cultivate more love in your life and in the lives of those around you.

Do you feel your efforts to show love to those closest to you are not being recognized?

Are you trying to reignite the fire that has burnt out in your relationship?

Are you struggling to cultivate love in your life?

What if love is all around you and you’re unable to recognize it because it’s being presented in a foreign language?

Developing healthy relationships with friends, family and partners was something I struggled with for a good part of my life. I always felt that struggling to communicate my feelings made me incapable of loving the people who meant the most to me… until I read a book titled ‘The Five Love Languages’ by Gary Chapman.

This book opened my eyes to the different ways people give & receive love, which helped me understand what makes me feel loved and how I was unknowingly expressing my love to others.

The 5 love languages

The 5 love languages are:

1. Words of affirmation – saying I love you, compliments
2. Gifts – material things that represent affection and gratitude
3. Acts of service – doing something for others
4. Physical touch – hand holding, hugs, kisses
5. Quality time – time spent together, even if it’s in silence

Typically, we tend to give love in the same way we like to receive it, which isn’t always the most effective way of letting others know we love them.

It’s important to communicate your love for someone in a language that is best received by them. If someone’s love language isn’t obvious to you then have them take the free quiz.

Once you’ve discovered each other’s love language, nurture and grow this new insight by giving your partner what they want and not just what you want to receive.

For example …

If your primary love language is receiving gifts then you’ll be over the moon when your man shows up with flowers (or that new designer handbag you’ve been eyeing) on Valentine’s Day.

If your partner’s primary love language is acts of service or quality time, he’ll be melting inside when you’ve put together a romantic dinner with his favourite dish.

We are all unique in how we give and receive love. The more effort you put into understanding, recognizing and applying all 5 love languages, the more love you will cultivate in your life and the lives of those around you.

Final thoughts …

I wrote this article because I realize that cultivating and enjoying close, personal relationships with others is equally, if not more important than diet & nutrition, and can play a crucial role in your health journey. I truly feel this is an area of health worth investing time and energy to.

Take this FREE quiz to learn your love language! 

Note: The 5 love languages applies to all types of relationships including couples, family, friends and co-workers.

Bacon & Egg Muffin (Keto, Paleo)

Bacon & Egg Muffin (Keto, Paleo)

This Bacon & Egg Muffin recipe is the perfect way to prepare eggs for the entire family! It’s an easy and super cool method that will have you wondering why you’ve been fussing with a frying pan all this time. Only 2 whole food ingredients needed for this fun and delicious breakfast recipe. Get crackin’!

DID YOU KNOW? Eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense foods available. One egg provides 13 essential nutrients, which are found all in the yolk! #eattheyolk

Check out this easy and fun way to prepare eggs for the entire family without feeling the need to throw your frying pan across the kitchen!

What you need for Bacon & Egg Muffin:

  • Muffin tin
  • Eggs
  • Bacon
  • Sea salt & black pepper

How to make Bacon & Egg Muffins:

  1. Cook bacon half way through on stove-top.
  2. Wrap inside of muffin tin with one strip of bacon per muffin.
  3. Crack one egg into each spot lined with bacon.
  4. Season with sea salt & black pepper.
  5. Bake in oven at 350F for 15-minutes.
  6. Remove with spoon, plate and enjoy with sides of choice (see suggestions below).

Bacon & Egg Muffin (Paleo, Keto)

Serve these breakfast muffins with:

Want more wholesome breakfast recipes? You’re going to love these …

Bacon & Egg Muffin (Paleo, Keto)

Bacon & Egg Muffins

Bacon & Egg Muffins are the perfect way to prepare eggs for the entire family! This easy and super cool method will have you wondering why you've been fussing with a frying pan all this time. Only 2 simple and whole food ingredients needed for this fun and delicious breakfast recipe. Get crackin'!
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 25 minutes
Course: Breakfast
Cuisine: Keto, Low-Carb, Paleo
Servings: 4


  • Muffin tin


  • 8 eggs, pastured
  • 8 slices bacon, pastured
  • Sea salt & black pepper, to taste


  • Preheat oven to 350F.
  • Cook bacon half way through on stove-top.
  • Wrap inside of muffin tin with one strip of bacon per muffin.
  • Crack one egg into each spot lined with bacon.
  • Season with sea salt and black pepper.
  • Bake in oven for 15-minutes.
  • Remove with spoon, plate and enjoy with sides of choice (see suggestions in post)!
Keyword bacon, dairy free, eggs, gluten free, grain free, healthy breakfast