5 Ways to Support Digestion

5 Ways to Support Digestion

In this article you’ll discover practical ways to support digestion on a daily basis. These simple tips go a long way, and will help improve many other areas of your health, especially when practiced regularly.

You are what you eat, right? Think again …

A proper diet is the foundation for good health and maintaining an appropriate body weight. However, the well-known phrase “you are what you eat” is only part of the equation.

You are not just what you eat, you’re also what you digest, absorb, and assimilate. If digestive function is compromised, you cannot fully benefit from the nutrients in your diet, no matter how nutrient-dense your food is.

Here are some signs that indicate you’re not digesting food properly:

  • Bulky, foul-smelling stools
  • Feeling full, even if you haven’t overeaten
  • Gas, bloating, or flatulence
  • Heartburn or burping
  • Lack of energy
  • Undigested food in stool
  • Weight loss even while eating an optimal diet

Proper digestive function is beneficial for:

  • Sustained energy
  • Bowel regularity
  • Robust immunity
  • Balanced moods
  • Healthy skin and strong nails
  • Reproductive health

Digestion can be compromised for many reasons, including:

  • Stress – everyday stressful situations can prevent the “rest and digest” mode from doing its job.
  • Feeling worried, anxious, or eating too quickly – can lead to occasional insufficient stomach acid production.
  • Age – the production of our own digestive enzymes naturally declines 1% every three years after age thirty.

Here are a few practical ways to support digestion on a daily basis. I recommend giving all of these a try or at the very least starting with one and adding to your digestive support routine in time. These simple tips go a long way especially when practiced regularly.

5 Ways to Support Digestion


Because you are what you digest and absorb, you need a full range of nutrient-dense foods as well as the digestive enzymes to process them into what your body can actually use for energy. Digestive enzymes can support weight loss, the immune system, and a healthy inflammatory response.

Digestive enzymes are particularly important for people who fall into one or more of the following groups:

1. No gallbladder

2. Prior use of antacids (prescription, Tums, Rolaids, etc.)

3. Older adults.

4. Chronic gut issues like IBS, illness or high stress.

I recommend Digestzymes which are perfect for anyone who wants the very best digestive enzyme available that is equipped to break down a broad spectrum of foods and assist with optimal absorption and utilization of micronutrients. Take 1 capsule with each meal.

Digestive bitters are also helpful for aiding digestion. Just add the recommended dose found on the label to water and drink in-between meals.


Apple cider vinegar helps prepare the gut for incoming food by releasing enzymes that breakdown food.

Add 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and consume 15-20 minutes before your meals.


Ginger helps to relax the smooth muscles of the digestive tract.

Try adding a 1/2-inch piece of fresh ginger or 1/4 tsp. ginger powder to your smoothie or incorporate it into your other meals.

I also recommend sipping on ginger tea in-between meals.


Digestion begins in the mouth, so it’s important to chew your food thoroughly before swallowing.

When consuming smoothies, resist the urge to gulp it down, and instead take at least 20-30 minutes to sip on it.


Stress compromises your body’s ability to digest food properly. If you are dealing with physical, mental or emotional stress, here are some tips to help:

1. Eat sitting, not standing.

2. Take a few deep breaths before eating.

3. Avoid eating when emotions are strong (sad, angry, excited) and 1-hour before or after a workout.

Do you struggle with IBS? Discover 5 natural ways to treat the root cause of your IBS.


For optimal digestion. Say goodbye to gas & bloating after meals or that feeling of fullness after eating only a small quantity of food.