
(3 customer reviews)

The best supplement for healing your gut

225g powder

GI-Revive is a synergistic formula offering wide-ranging support for optimal gut health and function. It provides therapeutic levels of nutrients which support gut lining repair and help fight inflammation along with ingredients to promote healthy bowel function.


GI-Revive by Designs for Health is a synergistic formula offering wide-ranging support for optimal gut health and function. It provides therapeutic levels of nutrients which support gut lining repair and help fight inflammation along with ingredients to promote healthy bowel function.

What can cause the gut to become damaged and inflamed?

  • High stress
  • Poor diet including cereal grains, industrial vegetable and seed oils, sugar and processed soy
  • Alcohol
  • Low-quality sleep
  • Excessive high-intensity exercise
  • Environmental toxins
  • Prescription and non-prescription medications, etc.

What makes GI-Revive the best supplement for healing your gut

1. L-glutamine. Glutamine is the most important and commonly used nutritional substance to repair tissues, particularly high turnover tissue such as the cells of the intestinal lining. Glutamine deficiency can cause severe intestinal degradation and supplementation can enhance intestinal healing and repair. It is essential in maintaining proper intestinal permeability and avoiding “leaky gut syndrome.” Leaky gut syndrome can result in increased toxic and allergy exposure, systemic inflammation, and autoimmune disease.

2. Aloe Vera, Slippery Elm, Marshmallow, Chamomile, Okra, Cat’s Claw and DGL. These relaxing herbs can improve intestinal function by coating and soothing the intestinal lining, promoting the healing of ulcers and inflamed tissue, and reducing cramping by relaxing the intestines. GI Revive™ contains this impressive comprehensive blend of botanicals that have a long traditional use in gastrointestinal disorders.

3. Prune Powder and Citrus Pectin. These two ingredients are included to safely aid in regularity of bowel movements without the damaging effects of commonly used herbal laxatives.

4. MSM and Quercetin. These anti-inflammatory substances can reduce the chronic inflammation which is often the reason why the intestinal lining becomes damaged and “leaky.” Quercetin can also improve tissue health through its antioxidant functions.

5. Zinc Carnosine and N-Acetyl Glucosamine. Zinc carnosine has impressive mucosal-protective and anti-ulcerative properties, including the ability to protect the intestinal lining against damage due to strong anti-inflammatory medications. N-Acetyl Glucosamine aids in the production of health supportive structures for the cells of the intestinal lining. Supplementation of these nutrients, can help support proper mucosal health and reduce intestinal permeability.

How to use GI-Revive

  • Add 1 tablespoon to a glass of water. Stir briskly and consume immediately. Take once daily. For a more intense gut healing protocol, take twice daily.
  • Take GI-Revive on an empty stomach (ex., immediately upon waking, in-between meals or at night before bed).
  • Take for 3-months consecutively. Most people see results soon after starting GI-Revive. Continue to take for the full course to allow for optimal healing of the gut. After 3-months, keep track of your gut health. If you feel you need continued gut support, you can go on a maintenance supplement during this time (I recommend l-glutamine). You can always start another course of GI-Revive if needed. I recommend waiting 2-3 months between courses.

Other times to support your gut

1. Consuming alcohol. Alcohol can be very disruptive on the gut lining. GI-Revive can help to protect your gut from the damaging effects of alcohol and repair the gut if damage occurs. I recommend taking GI-Revive before AND after alcohol consumption to help mitigate alcohol’s negative effects. 1 tbsp. before and after.

2. Eating out. Food found in most restaurants and fast-food joints contain low-quality ingredients and inflammatory cooking oils, all of which can be extremely disruptive to the gut. I recommend preparing your own food with high-quality ingredients as often as possible. When eating out, I recommend taking GI-Revive before AND after food consumption to help mitigate the negative effects of low-quality ingredients and inflammatory oils. 1 tbsp. before and after.

3. During travel. Travel can be a big stressor on the gut, especially if flying and eating out a lot. I recommend taking GI-Revive before and during travel to help mitigate the negative effects of travel on the gut.

Looking for more effective gut support supplements?

Get The Ultimate Gut Support Kit which includes GI-Revive! This kit contains 3 key supplements to treat IBS or common gut problems, naturally.

GI-Revive Reviews

“GI Revive has significantly helped me relieve my IBS symptoms. Since I began taking it I have noticed most symptoms have gone away or significantly improved. Also, I have tried other supplements like this before that have had an unpleasant taste. However, the GI revive has a good peachy taste that makes taking it much easier.” – Vanessa

“I have been lucky enough to have had Jen recommend GI Revive to me a few years back for IBS-C.. It has given me relief for inflammation and upper stomach pain … I have taken it on and off for a couple of years when needed and I truly believe it helps heal the gut lining… Highly recommend this product if you are suffering with any gut irritation.” – Debbie

“I decided to try GI-Revive after experiencing stomach discomfort (likely brought on by stress), as well as pain triggered by certain foods I would otherwise be able to eat. After the first few days I noticed some relief from the discomfort, and that my stomach was processing food much better. I incorporated GI-Revive into my routine for the next 6 weeks as part of my gut-healing process, and I haven’t experienced any issues since.” – Sal

Do you have IBS? Click HERE to learn about 5 ways to treat your IBS naturally!

Additional information


225g powder, 210 capsules


Designs For Health

The Science First Difference

As a manufacturer of premium quality nutritional supplements, distributed exclusively to health care practitioners, Designs for Health is committed to producing the most effective and therapeutic nutritional products possible. DFH is responsible for meeting every aspect of this concept through their guiding principle: Science First. The Science First concept includes product ingredient selection, raw material sourcing, product formulation, potency regulations and assurances, dietary recommendations, delivery methods, and education. DFH's Science-First principles guide all their decision-making processes, from product ingredient selection to packaging. In addition, all DFH supplements and products are:
  • 100% gluten-free
  • Free of all forms of soy protein
  • Include NO artificial sweeteners or detrimental levels of nutritive sweeteners such as sucrose, glucose, fructose/ high fructose corn syrup, or concentrated fruit juices

Product Formulation & Potency Decisions

Designs for Health takes pride in the development of highly effective synergistic formulations through the power of science. They use extensive research to create formulations that contain the utmost in potency with the most effective results. Over the years, practitioners have come to trust and rely on DFH's products and ingredients, knowing they are receiving the highest quality of nutritional supplement products available.

3 reviews for GI-Revive

  1. Sal

    I decided to try Gi-Revive after experiencing stomach discomfort (likely brought on by stress), as well as pain triggered by certain foods I would otherwise be able to eat. After the first few days I noticed some relief from the discomfort, and that my stomach was processing food much better. I incorporated Gi-Revive into my routine for the next 6 weeks as part of my gut-healing process, and I haven’t experienced any issues since.

    • Jennifer DiGregorio

      Sal, I’m so happy GI Revive helped you during a stressful time in your life. Stress can have a major impact on the gut. Gut support supplements can be extremely helpful, especially when done in conjunction with stress reduction and mind-body techniques. You can learn more about this at

  2. Vanessa

    GI Revive has significantly helped me relieve my IBS symptoms. Since I began taking it I have noticed most symptoms have gone away or significantly improved. Also, I have tried other supplements like this before that have had an unpleasant taste. However, the GI revive has a good peachy taste that makes taking it much easier.

    • Jennifer DiGregorio

      Thank you for sharing your experience with GI Revive, Vanessa. It truly is an amazing gut repair formula and has helped many get their guts back into a healthy state. I too have used this product to help me during times of gut distress–and I enjoy the peachy taste 🙂

  3. Debbie

    I have been lucky enough to have had Jen recommend GI Revive to me a few years back for IBS-C.. I feel it has given me relief for inflammation and upper stomach pain … I have taken it on and off for a couple of years when needed and I truly believe it helps heal the gut lining… I highly recommend this product if you are suffering with any gut irritation…Thank you Jen

    • Jennifer DiGregorio

      Debbie, it’s wonderful to hear that GI Revive has helped you–and that it continues to support your gut when needed. We all need a little extra gut support during certain times in our lives and GI Revive has proven to be an awesome supplement for that. Thank you for sharing your experience 🙂

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