WheyCool Protein Powder

WheyCool is a great-tasting, high protein, low carbohydrate, functional food powder. It is made with an exceptional quality whey protein made from the milk of cows that graze on pesticide-free, non-GMO grass pastures in New Zealand, which is known to have one of the least polluted environments in the world. The milking cows are never fed grain and are not subjected to hormone or antibiotic treatments.

WheyCool, a proprietary non-denatured native whey protein concentrate, is produced to maintain the full range of all the fragile immune-boosting and regenerative components naturally present in fresh raw milk and colostrum.


WheyCool, a proprietary non-denatured native whey protein concentrate, is produced to maintain the full range of all the fragile immune- boosting and regenerative components naturally present in fresh raw milk and colostrum. The milk harvested for this product comes from cows that graze year- round on pesticide-free and chemical-free natural grass pastures. Milk from grass-fed cows has many times higher levels of CLA and contains a proper balance of essential fatty acids.

“The health promoting powers of whey were discovered a long time ago. Ancient Greeks, as well as Hippocrates in 460 B.C., prescribed cheese whey for the assortment of human ailments. Later in the 17th century, during the Italian Renaissance sayings about whey flourished in Florence.”

WheyCool is a great-tasting high protein, low carbohydrate functional food powder. The milk harvested to produce the whey protein for WheyCool comes from cows that graze on pesticide-free, non-GMO grass pastures in New Zealand, which is known to have one of the least polluted environments in the world. The milking cows are never fed grain, nor subjected to any hormone or antibiotic treatments.

This whey is instantized with sunflower lecithin (non-GMO), which helps it dissolve more easily in water and prevents foaming during blending. Optimal whey digestion is instrumental for the breakdown of native whey into bioactive peptides in the GI tract. Stomach acid has an important role in denaturing whey proteins so that the pancreatic enzymes can access and cleave them into peptides and eventually into amino acids. The fact that this whey is instantized with lecithin may help to improve its digestibility due to increased water solubility. Unlike other instantized whey formulations, WheyCool is 100% soy free.

Whey protein derives its benefits from:

A) Amino acids and small peptides

Whey protein is a good source of specific amino acids which provide support for muscle, gut and immune cell metabolism:
The Essential Amino Acids (EAAs) content in whey is much higher than the EAAs requirement per gram of dietary protein established by World Health Organization guidelines. Whey is also higher in EAAs compared to many other animal or vegetarian proteins.
Cysteine and Methionine (sulfur amino acids) are precursors for the synthesis of glutathione, which is a potent endogenous antioxidant and supports detoxification of endogenous and exogenous molecules.
Leucine is a branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) known to have unique effects for stimulating protein synthesis and supporting muscle maintenance. (Muscle loss is the main cause of metabolic decline and loss of physical function during the aging process.) Also, along with other BCAAs found in abundance in whey, leucine provides fuel for muscle during exercise.
Glutamine is known for its support of muscle metabolism, and as fuel for gut and immune cells. It supports acid/alkaline balance and it is also one of the three components of glutathione. Glutamine has been classically categorized as a non-essential amino acid (can be synthesized from other amino acids). However, new research is classifying it as a “functional amino acid” that needs to be present in the diet in adequate amounts in order to support optimal health.

B) Bioactive Peptides

The major protein fractions occurring in native whey are beta-lactoglobulin and alpha-lactalbumin, both of which are broken down during digestion into bioactive peptides (3-20 amino acids), as well as dipeptides and individual amino acids. The bioactivities of native milk proteins are either latent or absent; it is only when the peptides are liberated from the digested whey that they become active.

C) Small Molecules with Specific Physiological Effects

Examples include: serum albumin, immunoglobulins, glycomacropeptide, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, lysozyme and insulin-like growth factor (IGF). Most of these molecules’ functions were found to be preserved while traveling through the GI tract.

Their roles include:
Immunoglobulins (include IgG1, IgG2, IgA and IgM) – help bind and inactivate bacteria in the GI tract.
Glycomacropeptide – a powerful stimulator of cholecystokinin, an appetite-suppressing hormone that has essential roles related to GI function.
Lactoferrin – possesses metal-binding properties for Fe, Cu, Zn, and Mn. It is also a delivery vehicle of essential metals to the newborn. Lactoferrin acts as support for the non-specific immune system, playing a strategic role in the first line of defense against many pathogens that enter the body via mucosa.

Benefits of Whey & WheyCool

Gastrointestinal Health – Whey contains biologically active molecules capable of supporting intestinal health through various methods, including prebiotic effects, antimicrobial and antiviral properties, immune support, and in helping to support normal gut permeability. Glycomacropeptide and lactoferrin have been shown to support the growth of beneficial Bifidobacteria.

Bone Health – Milk basic protein (MBP), a fraction of whey, was found to be a promoter of bone health by stimulating osteoblasts, inhibiting osteoclastic activity and improving bone density.

Additional Benefits

  • Protein synthesis, especially benefiting muscle function, maintenance and hypertrophy, and recovery from exercise, sports and athletics
  • Supports healthy gut lining
  • Synthesis of the antioxidant glutathione
  • Postprandial satiety

More functional foods with high-quality protein …

Additional information




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Designs For Health

The Science First Difference

As a manufacturer of premium quality nutritional supplements, distributed exclusively to health care practitioners, Designs for Health is committed to producing the most effective and therapeutic nutritional products possible. DFH is responsible for meeting every aspect of this concept through their guiding principle: Science First. The Science First concept includes product ingredient selection, raw material sourcing, product formulation, potency regulations and assurances, dietary recommendations, delivery methods, and education. DFH's Science-First principles guide all their decision-making processes, from product ingredient selection to packaging. In addition, all DFH supplements and products are:
  • 100% gluten-free
  • Free of all forms of soy protein
  • Include NO artificial sweeteners or detrimental levels of nutritive sweeteners such as sucrose, glucose, fructose/ high fructose corn syrup, or concentrated fruit juices

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Designs for Health takes pride in the development of highly effective synergistic formulations through the power of science. They use extensive research to create formulations that contain the utmost in potency with the most effective results. Over the years, practitioners have come to trust and rely on DFH's products and ingredients, knowing they are receiving the highest quality of nutritional supplement products available.


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